Wellbeing Catalyst services:
Cholesterol Check – 18 employees – 20 minute appointments
Blood Cholesterol Check using the VERI-Q MULTI meter. After taking a small blood sample for analysis this test provides readings in just a few minutes for: Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL (‘good’ cholesterol), LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol), Cholesterol to HDL Ratio and LDL to HDL Ratio.
During the Cholesterol Check appointment the employee will be informed about their current cholesterol levels and how they compare to recommended levels. High cholesterol levels may lead to many serious health conditions such as heart attack and stroke. Information on reducing cholesterol will be supplied if necessary.
Wellbeing Check – 12 employees – 30 minute appointments
Blood Cholesterol Check using the VERI-Q MULTI meter as above.
Blood Pressure (BP) reading is an important test that provides information about general health.
Body composition analysis using the hi-tech TANITA innerScan DUAL. This provides information on Weight, Muscle Mass, Muscle Quality, Body fat %, Physique Rating, Visceral Fat, Metabolic Age, Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), Bone Mass, Body Mass Index (BMI) and Body Water %. (Note: this test cannot be performed if the employee has a pacemaker).
Lung Function using a Peak Flow meter that provides information on lung strength an important indicator of the health of the lungs.
During the appointment the employee will be informed about their current health readings and how they compare to what would be expected as determined by age, gender, height. Information on how they can improve health will be given based on the results.
All appointments and test information remains confidential to the employee and for their consideration in terms of how they treat the advice provided.
I would be delighted to explain more and invite you to click here to contact me.